Maths Fractions

We have been learning about halves of shapes and sets.

We have been doing lots of talking, sharing and showing our understanding about this. We know our doubles to 10. We discovered that finding halve of our double answers was easy! We know that when we share a number it has to be a fair share and it has to be an EVEN number!

Digi Awards

By Jessica, Samuel and Joshua.

by Nick, Trey and Kieryan.

By Eden, Jemma and Molly

By Cole, Kieran and Lucy

by Isabelle and Jaycob

By Lochie, EJ and Elise

We have made Photo essays to enter into the Digi Awards. We had to take photos that told a story and used the 'elements' of photography. We worked in small group. We hope you like the series of photos we took to tell a story.


Weekly Words Term 3 Week 6 and 7

Now that we have more children in our class we have to have 2 sets of weekly words.
Group One has these words - to, is, up, for, big, he, at, went
Group Two has these words - one, my, sun, girl, boys, day, some, his.
Can you read these words?
Can you spell these words?


In week 6 we shared a video about the elements of photography. Mrs Gunn made a movie to show all of our amazing photos we have been taking of colour, line, people and light.

Enjoy the show!


We have had an Athletics Expert at our school! He has taught us how to correctly jump the high jump, throw the discus, do relays and throw the Vortex!

We are getting better at using the correct techniques.

We know that we have to hold the discus with our duck beak hand and throw the vortex with our muscle arm and super kid arm.

We have really enjoyed our sessions so far with Cameron and look forward to our other session this week!