God the Holy Spirit - Te Wairua Tapu

In Religious Education, we have been learning about the Holy Spirit - Te Wairua Tapu.
We did some talking about how the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God. This is the mystery of Go who is so great and so different from us. We can try and understand more about God who loves us. We did an experiment to help us. We saw how 3 colours blended together to become one. We can speak of and pray to each of the three persons but we must remember that they are all one God.

We talked about how the Holy Spirit is like water - it fills us up no matter what shape we are, it gives us life, it cleans us and it makes us grow.


Discovery Time Term 2 Week 5

Today at Discovery Time we had to do Construction.
We were allowed to do woord work, puzzles, cardboard box, blocke and building construction.
We had lots of fun creating and building lots of cars, houses, communities, roads, tanks, bird houses and lots of other things.
Construction on PhotoPeach

Water Experiments

We were very lucky to have a 'Science Expert' come and do an experiment with us on Tuesday. Lochie's Mum Anita, came to school and did an experiment with us, we became 'Scientists!'. We wanted to find out what temperate water boils at and what temperature ice melts. We had to use a thermometer and read what the temperature was, every ten minutes.
We found out that ice melts at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees! We loved having Anita with us and guess what...she is coming back to do more experiments with us!
Room 7 Scientists on PhotoPeach

Weekly Words Term 2 Week 5

This week our Weekly words are:
which, their, will, about, about, how, if, said, do, each and up.
We are learning to read, spell and find these words during our Writing Card time in Reading. We are getting very clever at being able to do our learning with these words quickly and accurately.

Self Portrait Art

Our Self Portraits on PhotoPeach

We drew these pictures and have written underneath them to explain how the Holy Spirit - Te Wairua Tapu, works in us when we make good choices.

We finished this sentence..
The Holy Spirit is working in me when..
I am happy (Lochie)
I help my baby brother (Isabelle)
I am nice to my friends (EJ)
I help my Mum and Dad tidy up (Jemma)
I help my friends (Lucy)
I am am kind (Cole)
I help my Dad pack my lunchbox (Molly)
I am kind (Kieryan)
I am helpful to Eden (Jessica)
I help my Mum and Dad clean up (Trey)
I am being a friend (Rosalia)
I am playing nicely (Eden)
I help my Mum and Dad do baking (Elise)
I share stuff with my family (Samuel)

Te Manawa Photos

Water, water, water at Temanawa on PhotoPeach

Te Manawa

On Wednesday we were lucky to go on a trip to Te Manawa. A special lady called Anne taught us lots of new information about water!

Here is our White hat (new)learning...
ED - Our river is called the Manawatu
CC - Water can turn into ice
SL - Water can evaporate - it goes into the sky and into the clouds
LP - When the clouds fill with water it comes down as rain
MO - Ice 'float sinks' because it is lighter than water
IW - We put popocorn into the bottle and it sunk
EP - The popcorn looked bigger when it was in the water.
LMcT - If you make a puddle outside it will evaporate
JW - The ice turns into water when you hold it in your hand
RS - Ice is cold!
EP - I learnt how to do an experiment
JR - I learnt about the water cycle
TL - I learnt to draw the water cycle

Weekly Words Term 2 Week 2

This term we are having 10 weekly words!
We have been learning to spell them by singing!
We sing our two letter words to the tune of 'If you're happy and you know it!'
and our three letter word songs to the tune of 'Mary had a little lamb'.
Can you sing the songs to these words....
be by or
one had not.
Here are our other words for this week...
from have this and I.

Water Fun at Discovery Time

Water Discovery Day! on PhotoPeach

We had such an amazing time during our Water Fun Discovery Time!
We made lots of Discoveries about Water.
We discovered that we can...
stir it
mix it
build with it
freeze it
add oil to it
pour it
cook with it
destroy with it
paint with it
drink it
fill balloons with it
swim in it
wash with it
clean with it
play in it
make bubbles with it
and have water fights with it!

Term Two

Welcome back to Term 2!
We have lots of exciting things happening this term...
Cross Coutry
Big Question about H2Go
Discovery Time
New students
Singing Assemblies and the list goes on!