Today we had a very first Discovery Time for 2012.
Discovery time is on Monday mornings and we get to explore and chose what we want to do!
Here are some photos from todays session and our response to the question: What did you do today and what did you learn?
SL - I did gardening and I learnt you could eat Marigolds.
LBP - I did some painting and learnt how to be careful and manage my self control so I didn't get paint on me!
LMcT - I made a car and learnt how to
JW- I did some gardening and learnt how to plant seedlings.
ED - I did some painting and discovered you need to be really careful when using the paints so you don't get any on you. I also discovered when it dries you can pick it off.
RS - I did gardening and learnt the name of some plants - apple mint and leeks.
IW - I played with the PE equipment. I learnt how to use the scoop to make the ball go from one side to the other side.
MOC - I painted Father Christmas and learnt how to use a toothbrush to paint.